Laser peripheral iridotomy

This procedure is often recommended in eyes with angle closure where a relative pupillary block prevents the flow of fluid from the posterior chamber into the anterior chamber (see Angle closure glaucoma).

Herein an opening is made in the iris with a laser machine for the fluid to drain from the posterior to the anterior chamber of the eye, bypassing the pupillary block. This procedure is done in eyes with narrow angle to prevent an angle closure attack and also as a treatment if the patient is having an acute attack.

Laser peripheral iridotomy Fig. 1

Fig. 1. Left figure shows pupillary block and closed angle. Middle figure shows the laser iridotomy – hole in the iris tissue. Right figure shows a patent iridotomy communicating the anterior and posterior chambers, eliminating pupillary block and opening the angle.

Laser peripheral iridotomy Fig. 2

Fig. 2. Laser iridotomy. Left: red arrow shows iridotomy. Right: superior iridotomy.

World Glaucoma Association

Important message for glaucoma patients

It is important for you to get yourself regularly screened for glaucoma. If you have been diagnosed to have glaucoma, effective treatment options are now available and regular treatment and follow up can help you to preserve your vision for your lifetime, avoiding unnecessary fear of going blind.

You can live happily with glaucoma and enjoy an excellent quality of life, particularly if the disease is detected early and treated in time. Always remember that once you have glaucoma, you will have to be under the care of an eye doctor for the rest of your life.

There is a lot of research going on and new treatments may become available for glaucoma in the near future.

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