What can be done for blind or low vision patients?

After a proper assessment by an eye-care professional, specially qualified in providing low vision services, the following aids can be advised to the patient:

  1. Devices with large letters and numbers: recently there are a variety of items manufactured for helping out visually handicapped patients. There are watches, clocks, telephones, calendars, newspapers with large prints, which helps visualization.
  2. Computer modification: The letters on computer screen can be modified by increasing the size and contrast, so as to aid visualization.
  3. Audio enhancements: There are also devices that talk, like talking books, calendars, calculators etc. The computers also have audio aids and speech synthesizers which convert spoken words into text format.
  4. The other low vision aids that can be prescribed are magnifying glasses with or without illumination, spectacles mounted telescopes, CCTV magnifier etc.

World Glaucoma Association

Important message for glaucoma patients

It is important for you to get yourself regularly screened for glaucoma. If you have been diagnosed to have glaucoma, effective treatment options are now available and regular treatment and follow up can help you to preserve your vision for your lifetime, avoiding unnecessary fear of going blind.

You can live happily with glaucoma and enjoy an excellent quality of life, particularly if the disease is detected early and treated in time. Always remember that once you have glaucoma, you will have to be under the care of an eye doctor for the rest of your life.

There is a lot of research going on and new treatments may become available for glaucoma in the near future.

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