Many new micro-surgical techniques for glaucoma, often referred to as MIGS (Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery) are now available in several parts of the world and may be useful for the individual patient depending on the type of disease and its severity. Some of these new techniques include devices such as the Istent, CyPass, Hydrus, Xen etc. These new devices are still under critical evaluation and the long-term results are still not available.
Recently, in 2018, one of these new devices (Cypass) was removed from the market (withdrawn) voluntarily by its manufacturer as post-approval study showed that some patients who have this device implanted into the eye may be at risk of losing corneal cells. Further investigation will be performed to determine its safety profile, and if this new device will return to the market in the future.
This episode shows an example of how regulatory agencies, manufacturers, doctors and patients around the world should be continuously attentive for the risks/benefits of the different therapeutic procedures, particularly the new ones.